Monday, 4 February 2013

Half empty or half full?

Do you all still remember the half empty half full cup analogy?

People would ask you'll whether the cup is half full or half empty?Some would say half full others would say half empty.When you say,half empty,they would say that you are a negative person.


Maybe,maybe not.

But this is what I remember.Some adult told me to look at it at half full.Because it meant that I would look at it at a positive perspective.

But here's the thing.I looked at the cup half full a long time ago.

Here is the reason why I will choose half empty if you would ask me half full or half empty.

Because half full means contented at what you already have.For example,achievements.
But half empty means not achieving what you don't have.For example a qualification.A masters for example(everyone gets a degree nowadays).

Knowledge for instance.Knowledge is something so complex.I would say knowledge is omnipresent.You know it's with you,but you can't see it.Even till you die,one never stops learning or studying.When you go to the library,you can't possibly read all the books in the library because new stocks would come in or you won't be able to apply everything that you have read.

Experience.Experience only comes with a lot of practice.An experienced teacher is better at teaching than a newly graduated teacher.Not all experienced teacher,but most of them.Only by experience can someone be good at something.

These are the things that I can think of right now.I don't know why I suddenly thought of this analogy but I guess it crossed my mind and when I thought harder,I decided to write about it.

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