Sunday, 9 February 2014

It's been a while since I wrote.There were a lot of things coming to my mind,and wanting me to write.At times,I wonder whether I should since people would be reading this.

There is a time for everything,and I am in the phase of having fun,doing things I love.But this phase would be over in no time,just a matter of days actually.I got to spend time with my guitar which is my new obsession for me.There is more that I ought to learn too,but here is the best part of it.I am able to sing a song and for as long as I am with my guitar or my piano,I am able to drift away to this phase of tranquillity and unconsciousness.It's different when you are watching a movie or reading a book,because fiction books that I've read always brings back a glimpse of my memory on something particular.Movies are the same too.They bring back flashbacks or something similar that you have gone through too.

Semester 2 ,which is a few days from today.Darn it's so close.I don't feel so excited.Because I know that it is going to be harder than semester 1.I don't know whether I'll be able to go back frequently also because I have youth meetings on Saturdays and the practises as I can foresee,are going to be intense.Then there is debate which is going to be entirely different since that it would be the British Parliamentary format,and there are tons to read up too.If you don't know your facts,well you'll end up crapping which is ain't cool because you don't get to filter what comes out from your mouth;you're waiting for anything that comes out.

Life with Math is definetely not easy.Grateful that I did well in semester 1.Don't know whether I am able to perform just as well as I did in semester 1.Then there are thoughts of competitons and the amount of stress.I love Math but I am wondering;Do I know Math?No,there are still formulas that ought to be friends with,there are still equations that might not like me.If you don;t know Math well,how are you going to love it?

There are so many fears man.Gosh I sound like an old lady.Just so stressed just thinking about it.

When I saw my mentor after church last Sunday,she told me this "Just believe in yourself".

I am believing in myself,but the problem is ;Can I believe in the world?

No,I can't after much pondering.This world is nothing but competitions after another.The best part of this holiday is that I am able to get rid of that word for a while.For a while.

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