Friday 6 March 2015


It's Fridayyyyyyy!Yeah man,plus no debate class.I wonder how many times Mr Sasi would be cancelling the class.So anyway,I was so positive that I was going to get the money for the activity that would be held on Sunday.

I remember crying today.I remember the responds from the office-how sarcastic they were.At 3 when I went again to the office,there was a solution-Encik Raizol gave his RM400 and I used my own RM200.Tadaaa!Program settled.So we went to the town of Tanjung Malim and bought all the  items!Yayaaaaaaa!Finally

And at night,I went for youth fellowship!It was a pot bless.What I remember the most was the awesome fellowship and just talking to Camellia.She said she must see me next week for a lunch reunion kinda thing.Something surprising-SHE APPLIED FOR ISEP!Oh Wow.That is just so deep man.There were so many things playing on my head-What about Grace Youth Fellowship?What about the youths?Am I able to commit for church in sem5?

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