Tuesday 1 May 2012

The honest answer

One day as my mum and I were looking for this particular shop in the shopping mall but we couldn't find it.We then asked a lady in a nearby shop and she hesitated and gave us directions to the shop.Well,she gave us the WRONG directions by the way.Now,she would have felt like NOT telling I don't know.Isn't it better to just say I don't know or to let us-customers being directed to the wrong place?To be honest there are a lot of people who are like this woman in the shopping mall.What so wrong in saying "I don't know"?

Another scenario happens all the time to most of  us.Most people would ask"So,what do you want to be when you grow up?".

"Aeronautical engineer"

Well,these are all what my friends will answer you when you ask them.Not mine,however.I still don't know what I want to be.So,when I tell people that I don't know,some of them give me this disapproving look.Others will give me this how-can-you-not-know look?Well,I'm sorry I don't know what I want to be.I just don't want to say "Oh,I want to be a dentist".And then they'll ask further."So,are you planning to open up a clinic later on your own or join the government?".And then you just stare at them dumbfounded.And then if you're not sure and you tell them you want to be a dentist but later on you decide to take up medicine,they'll ask you "So,I thought you ALWAYS wanted to be a dentist"?.Even though they only asked you once.Ha,you should have said you didn't know right ?

The thing is is if we don't know certain things like I just mentioned or other things,the "I don't know answer" is the most honest answer.It doesn't matter if people assume that you are not not confident or not smart,you know that at these point in your lives,you really didn't know the answer........right?

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